
Sunday - "GUESS WHAT'S COOKIN'" (#45)
Read the following ingredients to your family and have them guess "What's Cookin'!"

Ice Cream + Cone = (Ice Cream Cone)
Bread + Peanut butter + Jelly = (Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich)
Chocolate Cake Mix + Egg + Water = (Chocolate Cake)
Milk + Macaroni + Cheese + Butter = (Mac & Cheese)
Noodles + Chicken + Soup + Vegetables = (Chicken Noodle Soup)
*Also play this with your family's favorite recipes. Or try it in reverse: what do you need to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?...

Monday - "NOT ME!" (#51)
One person (the leader) closes his/her eyes and counts to 10.

The others take a small object, such as a bottle cap, and quietly pass it around to each other until the leader finishes counting. Whoever has the bottle cap quickly hides it in his/her fist.

Everyone puts one closed fist on the table and tries to look innocent as they continue eating. The leader tries to guess who has the object.

If the leader guesses correctly, he/she remains the leader for another turn. If not, the person holding the cap becomes the new leader.

Read this question aloud to your family and let everyone offer an answer:

"You accidentally drop your candy wrapper on the ground outside. What should you do?"

Have the kids respond first and then the adults.
*Discuss your answers together.

Wednesday - "THE SHARPEST TEETH" (#9)
Read the story aloud to your family and answer the questions at the end!

Crocodile Carl and Crocodile Carmen argued a lot. Today they argued about who had the sharpest teeth. Rabbit heard them and hopped onto a big tree log. Carmen said, "Rabbit, you be the judge. Who has the sharpest teeth?" Carmen planned to eat Rabbit later that day. Rabbit suspected this and he said, "I can't tell. Why don't you both try to break this tree log in half? The one that snaps it has the sharpest teeth."Both crocodiles bit into the log and their teeth got caught in the wood. Rabbit hopped away safely and learned an important lesson: Crocodiles may have very sharp teeth, but they aren't always that smart.

Questions: What do the Crocodiles argue about? Who is in danger in this story? Who is the smartest animal in the story? Why? What did the Crocodiles do to prove they had the sharpest teeth?

Thursday - "SITUATION CHALLENGE I" (#11)
Read this question aloud to your family and let everyone offer an answer:

"What would you do if you found a shiny new toy on the playground that didn't belong to you?"

Have the kids respond first and then the adults.
*Discuss your answers together.

Friday - "FRUIT & VEGGIE FUN" (#22)
Someone starts by thinking of a fruit, vegetable or other food. The others try and guess what it is by asking YES or NO questions. After everyone asks a question, as a team, try and guess the food. If no one guesses correctly, ask another round of yes and no questions.

Saturday - "WHAT'S MISSING" (#8)
One person closes his/her eyes. Everyone else takes one item off the table (fork,napkin,spoon, etc.) and hides it on their lap. The first person opens his/her eyes and tries to guess what's missing! Let everyone have a turn.
*Also play by having everyone close their eyes while one person hides 4 items from the table. Once everyone opens their eyes, work together as a team to guess what's missing!